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Top 10 VS Code Extensions For Web Developers

Undoubtedly, searching Visual Studio Code is one of the most popular and widely used source code editors among developers. VS Code's popularity is due to its user-friendly design, appealing themes, customizability, and most importantly, its many helpful extensions.

So, if you have chosen VS Code as your primary code editor and are looking for the best extensions that can help you save time and improve coding efficiency, then this blog is written for you.

It supports a number of extensions that can be used for web application development. In this blog, we will talk about 10 of these extensions that are used when developing a web application.

1. CodeSnap

CodeSnap extension is used to take beautiful screenshots of your code in VS Code. Sharing nice screenshots could be understandable and useful for you when you ask for help on the website where pasting codes is not possible or not possible.

Here are some useful features of this extension. For more features and usage, you can read CodeSnap’s official documentation.

  • Save screenshots of your code easily.
  • Copy screenshots to your clipboard.
  • Show or hide code line numbers.

2. JavaScript Booster

JavaScript Booster is a helper extension that contains a set of code actions (code fixes) to help you write JavaScript or TypeScript code in VS code. You just need to press the light bulb 💡 on the left and you'll see the list of quick fixes for your codes.

For example: it fixes common problems like replacing if-else with ternary (? :), converting a normal function to an arrow function, etc. I think this extension is very helpful for JavaScript developers, especially beginners.

Here are some useful features of this extension. For more features and usage, you can read JavaScript Booster’s official documentation.

  • Supports JavaScript, TypeScript, and React
  • Convert var to const, Replace string with template string, and so on

3. CSS Peek

The CSS Peek extension is used to display the CSS styles of a particular element directly in the HTML file. If you don't like to switch to the .css file just to check the properties and values of a particular HTML element, then this extension would be helpful and time-saving for you.

Here are some useful features of this extension. For more features and usage, you can read CSS Peek’s official documentation.

4. Colorize

As the name implies, the Colorize extension makes CSS colors instantly visible by creating a colored background in your CSS, SCSS, LESS... Files. This extension helps you see the color you're using as a Hex or RGB value directly in your CSS file. So you don't need to copy and paste the color code somewhere to see the color.

Here are some useful features of this extension. For more features and usage, you can read Colorize´s official documentation.

  • Support RGB, Hex, HSL, Red, and many other color values
  • Generate color background for CSS & Preprocessor like SCSS.

5. Beautify

This extension is used for formatting files such as HTML. The unformatted code in these files is converted to formatted, readable code by this extension. You can set this in the VS code preferences, which automatically formats all the code you type in the editor.

For more features and usage, you can read Beautify's official documentation.

6. Code Time

As the name suggests, Code Time is a metrics extension that provides automatic coding metrics and time tracking capabilities right in your VS code editor. Basically, it shows how much time you spend programming.

Spending a lot of time without proper time management is not at all healthy for programmers. So install this extension to improve your time management in the coding workflow.

Here are some useful features of this extension. For more features and usage, you can read Code Time’s official documentation.

  • It is secure, safe and free.
  • Track development metrics and explore data visualizations.
  • Automatic flow mode: eliminate distractions and stay focused on coding.

7. Auto Rename Tag

As the name implies, the Auto Rename Tag automatically renames paired HTML or XML tags in VS Code. So, if you write a lot of HTML code, you should install this extension to save time renaming tags and get rid of inappropriate tags.

Here are some useful features of this extension. For more features and usage, you can read the official documentation of Auto Rename Tag.

  • Rename the paired tag automatically.
  • Supports only HTML & XML langagues.

8. Better Comments

As the name suggests, the Better Comments extension is used to make the comments in VS code more readable. Basically, it highlights your comments with different colors depending on the comment type. This extension might be more helpful when working in a team.

Here are some useful features of this extension. For more features and usage, you can read Better Comments’ official documentation.

  • Supports almost all languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python and more.
  • Comments can be categorized into Alerts, Queries, TODOs, Highlights and more.

9. Live Server

Liver Server is one of the most popular VS Code extensions for web development. It launches a local development server in your default web browser using a port number. Every time you make changes to files such as HTML, CSS or JavaScript, those changes are immediately reflected in the browser as well.

Personally, I use this extension a lot and recommend you to use it if you do not have it yet. It increases your productivity and saves you time, since you do not have to manually update the web pages after making changes to the code.

Here are some useful features of this extension. For more features and usage, you can read Liver Server’s official documentation.

  • Fast development live server with live reload for static and dynamic pages
  • The customizable port number, server root, and default web browser
  • CORS enabled and supports SVG, HTTPS & Proxy

10. Prettier – Code Formatter

As its name suggests, Prettier is a code formatting extension that supports many languages such as HTML/CSS/JAVASCRIPT. With its automatic formatting features, it makes your code clean and readable. With this extension you can save time and maintain consistency in coding, as you'll never have to worry about formatting code again.

Here are some useful features of this extension. For more features and usage, you can read Prettier – Code Formatter’s official documentation.

  • Supports many languages HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, JSON and more.
  • Customizable features like format code on save or selection.


I hope you enjoyed these extensions and would like to use them in your VS Code. Install them now to increase your performance, speed and accuracy in programming and make your life as a programmer easier.

If you found this blog helpful, don’t forget to share it with others.

This article is inspired by CodingNepal